Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
I Will Make All Things New Again!
Message from Most Holy Mary and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 29, 2024

Most Holy Mary:
My Heart is torn with grief. My tears bathe the Earth, My children are not converted, they want to follow Lucifer into his Hell.
Beloved My children, oh you who follow Me, oh you who listen to Me and love Me, oh you who love My Son, Jesus Christ, you who love the Father and the Holy Spirit, oh you who have given and are giving your lives for the salvific project, verily I say to you, I am with you on this mission and soon you will see Me in the flesh among you. You will see Me as the Virgin of Carmel in the last times.
I will take you by the hand and lead you to the final challenge against Satan. Together we will crush his head and we will be joyful and you will sing, you will sing, praising the Lord, new songs of love.
Thank you, Lord Jesus! Thank You, thank You, thank You for all that You have done for Your children. Thank You for still being in the saving plan, so that You can save them all and bring them back to the Father! Thank You Jesus, thank You, My Son, thank You for Your great offering! Thank You, My Son, thank You, thank You!
I say to you who are following Him today, you who are working for Him in this mission, you who are giving your all for Him, you will be filled with joy and eternal love . Give, My children, give your lives for this calling. Give your life for the salvation of your brothers and sisters, keep nothing, so much nothing will remain, everything will be destroyed, everything will be renewed.
God the Father:
I will make all things new again. I will put the new in your hearts and in your lives. I will give you a new Earth, an infinite Love in eternal joy and you will be at the side of Mary Most Holy and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven and you will dance with your Lord Jesus Christ, your Elder Brother and give the Father all your love.
You will sing new songs of joy and wade to clear waters. You will quench your thirst at a water that will never, never run dry because it is the Source of eternal life.
Oh, children of Light, children of Love, faithful children in this mission, how many graces upon you, how much Love upon you, from your God. You have been called and have answered your yes in absolute faithfulness to Him.
Be careful not to change the way, be careful not to put your foot on the other side because everything will come back on you in the negative. This is the right way to get to Heaven to accompany you forever to eternal life in His happiness. You will enjoy His Love and be Holy in Him.
Forward, My children, forward, I will always say it, forward in love, forward in conversion. Call your brothers and sisters to conversion. Make them desire to be like you, to be those who accompany Jesus in this mission, who are at the side of your Mother Mary Most Holy for the final resolution of this salvific project.
Most Holy Mary:
I, as Coredemptrix in this mission, will take you with Me forever. Love your God, worship your God Love, venerate your Blessed Mother and accompany Her, in obedience to the Father.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Preserve yourselves in strength, preserve yourselves in serenity and joy. Operate in refuges, My children, pray unceasingly because the hour is now. Now you will see good things and terrible things happening in this world, but God's children will enjoy His beauties and Satan's children will be in the terrible lot they have chosen. Amen.
Source: ➥